The story so far…
The management of waste from Australia’s primary industries is an emerging and complex issue which requires pressing attention.
Agriculture, fisheries and forestry produce a large amount and diversity of waste, with waste disposal often involving environmentally harmful practices (such as burning, on-farm burying and dumping), landfill and the unproductive use of single-use resources.
Many primary producers are taking action to advance waste and resource recovery practices, and there is a strong desire to improve waste management on their farms and in their industries. However there are often barriers to changing practices including cost, limited time, logistics, geographical isolation and a lack of adequate facilities and infrastructure.
In March 2021, AgriFutures Australia developed the Pre-Farm Gate Waste Program to align the agriculture, fisheries and forestry sector with Australia’s National Waste Policy. The findings of the program so far are outlined in six reports.
The centerpiece and action driver of the program is the Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry National Waste and Resource Recovery Roadmap which was developed in partnership with primary producers and provides a clear pathway for industries to manage waste issues by applying the principles of a circular economy and the waste hierarchy.

Advancing Farm Waste discussions
Following the Pre-Farm Gate Waste Program, RMCG was appointed by AgriFutures Australia to lead the National Farm Waste Coordination Services project.
The project will continue building momentum with the agriculture, fisheries and forestry sectors to develop solutions to manage waste and improve resource recovery which aligns with government regulations and community expectations. This will include assisting research and development corporations (RDCs) and industry members to coordinate efforts and share knowledge between commodities.
The project is guided by an Industry Working Group (IWG) consisting of representatives from peak industry bodies, RDCs and associations in agriculture, fisheries, forestry, waste and resource recovery, as well asfederal government, fresh produce regulators, research bodies, processors and retailers.
The Australian Farm Waste Portal is a key tool for this project and brings together resources, initiatives, news and events relating to waste and resource recovery in Australian agriculture, fisheries and forestry.

AgriFutures Australia is one of 15 RDCs that service the research, development and extension (RD&E) needs of Australian rural industries. Its investment in pre-farm gate waste research supports the priority of identifying, understanding and responding to national challenges and opportunities impacting Australian rural

RM Consulting Group (RMCG) is a multi-disciplinary consultancy specialising in environment, resource recovery, agriculture and communities. RMCG provides policy, planning and technical consulting services to ensure a healthy future for the environment, industry and communities by helping them to plan and implement change.